

Tratamento orto-cirúrgico de fissura labiopalatina unilateral associada à mordida cruzada total e agenesia de incisivo lateral e pré-molar superior. Relato de caso.

Tratamento orto-cirúrgico de fissura labiopalatina unilateral associada à mordida cruzada total e agenesia de incisivo lateral e pré-molar superior. Relato de caso.

Nesse artigo é relatado o tratamento ortodôntico e cirúrgico de uma paciente com fissura labiopalatina.

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Occlusal plane canting: a treatment alternative using skeletal anchorage

Occlusal plane canting: a treatment alternative using skeletal anchorage

Plano oclusal inclinado representa uma condição prejudicial a estética do sorriso. Nesse artigo são abordadas questões relevantes de diagnóstico, planejamento e tratamento do plano oclusal inclinado com mini implantes e miniplacas e apresentação de casos.

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Orthodontic treatment of Class III malocclusion with lower extraction and anchorage with mini implants: Case report

Orthodontic treatment of Class III malocclusion with lower extraction and anchorage with mini implants: Case report

Nesse artigo é relatado o tratamento ortodôntico de uma paciente com mordida cruzada anterior e posterior, tratada com extração de pré-molar e ancoragem com mini implante.

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Class II malocclusion with accentuated occlusal plane inclination corrected with miniplate: a case report

Class II malocclusion with accentuated occlusal plane inclination corrected with miniplate: a case report

Nesse artigo é relatado o tratamento de uma paciente com duas agenesias e acentuada inclinação do plano oclusal. A paciente foi tratada com exodontia de um pré-molar, ancoragem em mini placa e reabilitação com dois implantes e próteses.

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Orthodontic camouflage of skeletal Class III malocclusion with miniplate: a case report

Orthodontic camouflage of skeletal Class III malocclusion with miniplate: a case report

Nesse artigo é relatado o caso de um paciente com maloclusão de Classe III esquelética tratado sem cirurgia ortognática, com auxílio de duas mini placas inferiores.

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Orthodontic retreatment using anchorage with miniplate to camouflage a Class III skeletal pattern

Orthodontic retreatment using anchorage with miniplate to camouflage a Class III skeletal pattern

Nesse artigo é relatado o retratamento de um paciente com padrão esquelético de Classe III e que foi previamente tratado com exodontia dos primeiros pré-molares superiores. O paciente foi então tratado com exodontia dos primeiros pré-molares inferiores e ancoragem com mini placa.

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Absence of multiple premolars and ankylosis of deciduous molar with cant of the occlusal plane treated using skeletal anchorage

Absence of multiple premolars and ankylosis of deciduous molar with cant of the occlusal plane treated using skeletal anchorage

Ankylosis and the absence of premolars are two relatively common conditions encountered in the field of orthodontics. However, the absence of multiple premolars, particularly two adjacent premolars, along with ankylosis of deciduous teeth, is unusual.

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Retreatment of a Class II Patient with Short-Root Anomaly

Retreatment of a Class II Patient with Short-Root Anomaly

Short-root anomaly is an idiopathic condition that is sometimes associated with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.

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Orthodontic treatment of a mandibular incisor fenestration resulting from a broken retainer

Orthodontic treatment of a mandibular incisor fenestration resulting from a broken retainer

This article describes the orthodontic relapse with mandibular incisor fenestration in a 36-year-old man who had undergone orthodontic treatment 21 years previously. The patient reported that his mandibular 3 3 3 bonded retainer had been partially debonded and broken 4 years earlier.

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Practical and Esthetic Considerations in Adult Canine-Extraction Treatment

Practical and Esthetic Considerations in Adult Canine-Extraction Treatment

Orthodontists generally avoid canine extractions because of the importance of these teeth in establishing a functional, esthetically correct occlusion. Not only are the canines necessary in guiding lateral disclusion

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